10-9-8-7-6…. Counting down to launch…. 
Finally…. Turning Little Stones is in its final stages down ready to launch on 26th September 2022 
And what a ride it has been (and still is) to arrive at this point. 
Over a year ago, I tentatively began to share the dream of making this podcast series with friends and family. Their encouragements fuelled my motivation. I began to open the ‘dream door’ a little wider. The germ of the idea began to evolve and before long, I began recording a few episodes. With some gentle coaching (thank you Emily!), recordings improved, and I gained more confidence. 
For those who know me closest, it is incongruous, certainly bizarre! Many know me as someone who does all she can to avoid the limelight and who positively recoiled at the sound of her own voice. They find it laughable that I should now be a podcast host. By choice! 
So, what has been my motivation? 
Well, I guess as nursery manager and trainer, one of my thrills was to realise how transforming it was for parents, carers and practitioners when they were offered the smallest smidge of theory alongside an idea to try. As parents, we can be so anxious that we find we grasp at any new idea to try. When those ideas align with some sound research, they work and have incredible impact. 
Just by interpreting their child’s behaviour a little differently, they found they could relax. Hungry for ideas, yes; but it was the new perspective that was the key. These carers began to enjoy their child caring days and their children were supported developmentally. 
Why podcasts? 
I love podcasts. They are a bit like eavesdropping on a conversation that you want to listen in on. And I learn so much through this medium as I drive, walk or busy with chores. They are so easy and accessible. I don’t have to read or watch anything which means I can listen when I’m doing something else. Podcasts often leave me with a smile on my face. There is always something to consider, reflect on and learn. Some have ‘show notes’, so if I miss something, I can find whatever it is I’ve missed or want to look into further. Podcasts seem to fit into busy days more easily than anything else and life with young children is one big interruption. So, snatching moments to listen, be reassured and perhaps learn something is simply easier through listening to a podcast. 
Delving a little deeper 
Some subjects inspire me to want to know more… and some podcasts offer that. I began learning Italian using free podcasts and I now subscribe to a fuller version. Again, they are easily accessible, I grew to trust the podcast host and now I am making better progress... still accessing them at my own pace, in my own time. It works. 
And so… we are developing Delving a Little Deeper for those who want to delve a little deeper, to understand a little more theory alongside and a lot more ideas. More information to follow... 
I passionately believe that we should never stop learning, no matter how experienced we are. Throughout my career in early years, I’ve tutored, trained, led and loved every experience. We never stop learning because every child is different. Beware of those who ‘know it all’ - they don’t! 
It is such a joy to meet and record with all my guests… they are all still learning. I love their refreshing honesty as they generously share their stories and insights to inspire and encourage us all. 
A restorative 
I first wrote this in mid-August 2022. Our world is melting, reeling from a developing cost of living crisis, recovering from pandemic years… Since then, the UK has experienced an astonishing outpouring of grief and national mourning. There is so much eroding our sense of peace. 
We all need to fill our minds and hearts with messages that are good, replenishing, helpful. My heart is that as we listen together to these weekly podcasts, we will find oases of joy. As we take time to take a fresh look at our little ones and find out what is going on under the surface, we will discover easy, inexpensive, inspiring ways to understand, wonder at and enjoy their fleeting early years. 
So please spread the word… 
Turning Little Stones is for every child’s carer… 
parents, early years students, nursery managers, crèche / toddler group leaders, grandparents, child minders, practitioners, room leaders, apprentices, key people… who have I missed? 
Whoever you are and wherever you are, we look forward to sharing this journey of discovery with you as we Turn Little Stones together! 
5-4-3-2-1…Lift off! 
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